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The Kharan desert of Balochistan is known for having a rich amount of obscure structural remnants of past civilizations scattered throughout its length. Yet it was one certain magnificent structure in the middle of the desert which forced for a Soviet scholar to turn his head towards Kharan, to find proof for his search of remains of contacts with extraterrestrial beings thousands of years back. 

Of Kharan, Aliens, and the Dams of Nauroz Kalat.

The Dunes of Kharan 

The region of Kharan is aruguably the most rugged portion of the even more rugged province of Balochistan, in such that it is the part of Baluchistan which holds within it the most daunting desert of the country. 

But within the sands of the desert are also distant memories of many a civilization which flourished amongst the dunes. Distant memories which are uncovered when the dunes shift and reveal colossal structures left behind by those who came here in the days of yore. 

But to the Soviet scholar Matest Agrest, these structures were a remnant not of the ingenuity of any mere human but extra terrestrial beings who had come to earth thousands of years back to share their knowledge with our ancestors.

Agrest and his theory of Ancient Astronauts

Matest Agrest was a Soviet mathematician but his fame was not due to his skill in mathematics but due to his work on the ancient astronaut theory. A theory according to which extra terrestrial life had come down on earth many millennia ago and had influenced man in Pre-Historic life, essentially ushering in the rise of civilisations. 

It was his search for any proof of the remnants of these alien helpers that took him far and wide in the world, and it was this very search which eventually brought him to the deserts of Kharan, to a place called Nauroz Kalat.
It was his search for any proof of the remnants of these alien helpers that took him far and wide in the world, and it was this very search which eventually brought him to the deserts of Kharan, to a place called Nauroz Kalat.

The remains in Nauroz Kalat

Nauroz Kalat is famous for its many structural remains whose origins are lost to history. Amongst the many tombs, mounds, and forts what stands apart are the extensive walls running a good length of the region. 

It did not take long for Martest to arrive here and certainly not long for him to see the connection to extra terrestrial life. He believed that the walls had been erected by aliens when they arrived in Kharan to exchange knowledge to its ancient inhabitants. A scholar claims that Agrest even discovered a 20 feet long picture of some kind which he claimed was an impression of one our extra terrestrial helpers left behind. These specifications made it to one of his books called “On the track of discovery.” 

Ancient Dams 

Nauroz Kalat is a portion of the Kharan desert very well known to archeologists due to the richness of archeological sites present in the area. When many centuries ago the ancient inhabitants of the desert tried to create large metropolises, the largest hindrance in their endeavour was the lack of water. Thus came about the two most proficient methods of water storage in Balochistan: Karez and Dams. 

It was the remains of these which interested archaeologists and what eventually interested Martest Agrest for all the wrong reasons. The structures that Agrest had observed were remains of one of these ancient dams which are present dotting the entire region in spots where humans once tried to erect settlements. The dams of Nauroz Kalat, Toskan, and Zird valley are some of the most famous in the region. 

But there still remains the question why they decided to erect dams in obscure lands, where neither climate nor whether favours them, in the middle of the desert? Maybe it was a lack in ingenuity, maybe realities back then were different or maybe Agrest’s proposal was not as insane as it may seem. We shall never know. 

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Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
